Wellbeing at Work are commissioned by Plymouth City Council to deliver services to businesses in Plymouth or to those businesses with over 50% of their employees having a Plymouth postcode.


Wellbeing at Work delivers free workshops via MSTeams with third-party organisations, covering the latest guidance and advice on healthy lifestyles and wellbeing.

Eat Better

Free Course

Discover a healthier you! Join us on MS Teams as we explore some key messages regarding healthier eating. In this session, we will inspire you to learn more about nutrition and help you unlock your full potential. Learn about key resources such as the Eat Well Guide and discover the benefits of eating a balanced diet. You'll gain valuable insights into the main food groups, health benefits, food labelling, nutrient contents, and appropriate portion sizes. We'll also explore the potential dangers of ultra-processed foods and share tips to help improve your eating habits.

Alcohol Awareness

Free Course

Alcohol plays a significant role in our culture and has many consequences for our health and wellbeing. This session aims to discuss the key health improvement messages concerning alcohol, and to consider the opportunities and tools for sharing brief advice with people.  We will discuss the pros and cons of alcohol and some of the relevant key facts, emphasising sharing our views and experiences.

Gambling Harms

Free Course

Harm from gambling isn't just about losing money. Gambling can affect self-esteem, relationships, physical and mental health, work performance and social life. It can harm not only the person who gambles but also family, friends, workplaces and communities. Join us for a gambling harm awareness training session delivered by the Addiction Recovery Agency.

Money and Loan Sharks

Free Course

There are currently 1.2 million people in debt to loan sharks in England alone and this is expected to rise to 10 million within the next 3 years due to the ever-increasing cost of living, the high rejection rate of credit applications to regulated lenders, and the huge gap in the credit marketplace. Join us partnered with the Stop Loan Shark Team, for an interactive conversation exploring the risks of illegal money lending, how it can affect individuals, the signs to spot for Loan Sharking and how we can help individuals within our workplaces and communities.